We are still fighting cold, icy, sometimes snowy weather, but "this too shall pass." According to the Farmers Almanac, March will be "chilly" and wet and may not warm up until the last week of the month. The forecast calls for average daytime temperatures in the 50's, which will be a nice change from freezing temperatures. We may have some pleasant days off and on throughout the month.
In spite of the cold temperatures, many people showed up at Roman Nose State Park to participate in the annual Trout DerbyTournament sponsored by the Watonga Chamber of Commerce and the many businesses and individuals who donated money and prizes for these hardy fishermen. Friday was beautiful, the cold did not stop them!
(photo by Douglas Cook)
Check out the Watonga Chamber facebook page or www.watongachamber.com website for more details about the Trout Derby and upcomning events sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce.
Speaking of Roman Nose State Park, the Lodge is continuing with its concert series and will host singer Jaime Michaels from New Mexico on Saturday, March 8. No other information is available on the Park's website or facebook page, so contact the Lodge directly for cost and more information. If you're at the Park and the weather turns bad, you can always spend the night at the Chaparral Retreat B&B just outside the park. Call us at 580-623-4269 or 214-763-3823.
Some upcoming things to check out close to home:
On March 7 (Friday) from 5:00 - 7:00 pm is a Burger Benefit for Maurice "Moe" Brown at the Church of the Nazarene. Donations will be matched by the Watonga Masonic Lodge. The family is in need of financial help while Moe struggles with stage 4 stomach cancer. Come out and support a worthwhile cause.
The Watonga Senior Citizen's Center is holding a BIG GARAGE SALE on Saturday, March 8, from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm. There are sure to be treasures to be found there!
KIWANIS is holding it's annual Pancake & Sausage supper at the Watonga Middle School on Tuesday, March 11, from 5:00 to 7:00 pm. Another good night to "eat out" and support the projects sponsored by the Kiwanis Club. Tickets are available from Kiwanis members (just ask!) and at the door.
The OASIS Church is holding a forum on "Human Trafficking on Wed., March 12 at 7:00 pm This forum is to help educate our community about the dangers of human trafficking and how it can affect us here in our area. Youth (over age 12) and adults are urged to attend at the Oasis Church, 121 W. Main, Watonga. [The forum is not appropriate for children under age 12 and child care is NOT available.]
On Friday March 14th DAVID GRIER from Nashville, TN will perform at the Liberty Theatre FREE as part of the "Live at the Liberty Theatre" fundraisers coordinated by John Diamond. He has been able to bring some good musical groups to our small town. David Grier is a legendary bluegrass guitarist. The program for April 10 (Thursday) is HARD ROAD TRIO from New Mexico, a naationally known Americana group. On Friday May 9th VINTAGE WILDFLOWERS with SCOTT SCHMIDT from Tulsa will perform. Put these dates on your calendar and watch for other events and activities on this site or the Watonga news facebook page.
March 15 is the next Liquid ART evening at Whirlwind Winery. You don't have to drink wine to enjoy an evening of art, music, and conversation. The bonus is you can learn a little and paint your own masterpiece! A $30.00 donation to Phoenix Circle Foundation is requested but not required. PCF provides all the materials: canvas, easels, paints and brushes, and instruction. These evenings are fundraisers that go toward bringing art instruction to Watonga children free of charge. (we currently have an afterschool art program at the high school and want to expand to provide art lessons to younger children). The more adults participate in Liquid ART, the more we can plan art classes for children. Call 580-623-4269 to reserve your place for the 15th, or to schedule a special group event.
HCE is holding a COMMUNITY BLOOD DRIVE at the Foley Bldg in the Fairgrounds on Tuesday, March 18 between 11:00 am and 6:00 pm. Call to make an appointment (623-7059) and help save a life!
The OK State Dept. of Health will be holding a CPR and first aid class at First United Methodist Church on Wed, March 19. Contact Heather Ward at (405) 282-3485 to register to attend or for more information.
The First United Methodist Church has a weekly meal on Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. All are invited. However, there will be NO meal on Wed. March 19 due to Spring Break. If you have any questions, call 580-623-5221 for information.
As I receive information about the goings-on in Watonga, I'll post them. Anyone can contact me at phoenixcir@yahoo.com.