Thursday, August 17, 2017

GOFUNDME campaign for Watonga Art Center (Scissortail Creative Space)

 111 E. Main St., Watonga, OK   73772

My focus these days is getting the building pictured above transformed from the eyesore it is now to an inviting building, before the annual  Cheese Festival. in October of this year.
We've invested our hearts and souls and money, and many friends and acquaintances (many of whom don't even live here) have also contributed finanially in support of the the idea of having an arts creative space on Main St.  The benefits can be phenomenal and I continue to pray that the town's community leaders and businesses that are headquartered here will support our GOFUNDME campaign (search PHOENIX CIRCLE FOUNDATION and click on the Scissortail Creative Space picture, then make a donation.) PCF is a qualified 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization so donations from individuals are tax-deductible (businesses can deduct the donation as "promotion or advertising" but we recommend you talk to your tax advisor).

The second photo here is just an idea of what we intend for the new front to look like. 

We have applied for several grants and have found that they all EXCLUDE funding for "construction and capital improvements", and so we have to rely on the kindness and generosity of people and companies that are interested and willing to invest in an educational facility and an economic development project.  As a member of the OK Tourism Red Carpet Country association board, I have seen how a little "fix-up" to a town's Main St. can bring in tourism dollars + provide additional income from taxes and utilities.

I know in my heart that this is a "God thing", that this project is meant to be. I have faith that others' hearts will be opened and prayers will be answered. As the Barrett family and Phoenix Circle Foundation has supported programs and fundraisers for other organizations and causes in Watonga, we believe this community will come together to support this project.
/Linda Barrett

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