Wednesday, January 16, 2019

ANNUAL REPORT for Phoenix Circle Foundation (YE 2018)

PO Box 427, Watonga, OK   73772   
A charitable and educational 501(c)(3)nonprofit promoting                                         
and supporting the arts, education, environmental, and
wellness programs to better the lives of disadvantaged
and underserved communities                                                                       Phone: (940) 735-1065
January 11, 2018 

Dear Donors and Supporters,

2018 was a great year of meeting goals and taking on new projects. 
In January we received funds through Keep Oklahoma Beautiful for a Roadside Beautification grant funded by ODOT.  We had already begun the rehabilitation of an abandoned building on Watonga’s Main Street, and we were able to completely redo the front of the building with the grant funds from KOB.  

During the rest of the year we worked on the interior of the building, and by October we had a name for a new art space, WATONGA ARTWORKS, and the Gallery section was open with an informal exhibition of oil paintings by Watonga artist Brenda Weyrick.  The Gallery also has a small stage and was used for an informal acoustic show by a touring musician from Massachusetts, Dave Dersham, on the night of the opening ceremonies of the Watonga Cheese Festival.   We are ready to begin art classes and hands-on art activities for children and families at the ArtWorks building this spring. 
Other Keep Oklahoma Beautiful projects we were able to get volunteers to participate in were the Great American Cleanup, Fresh Paint Days, and Lend-a-Bin recycling. The recycling bins were placed at Roman Nose State Park general store and we collected over  800 pounds of plastic and aluminum which we delivered to the Weatherford Recycling center.   
Volunteers gave a facelift to another building on Main Street with paint donated through the Fresh Paint Days program.  These efforts did not cost our organization any money but made a big  difference in helping give tourists and visitors to Watonga a good “first impression”.
In the coming year we plan on participating in all of these projects plus add a children’s art project using recycled materials as part of KOB’s “End Litter” program.  
Phoenix Circle Foundation was honored by the statewide Keep Oklahoma Beautiful organization with their Environmental Excellence award for a Nonprofit serving a Community of less than 15,000, (selected from organizations throughout the state of Oklahoma!) and we were a finalist for the “Affiliate of the Year” award, which was ultimately given to an Oklahoma City organization.  We were excited just to have been nominated as a finalist for the work of our board members and volunteers in our community.  
We have already submitted an application for KOB's 2019 Roadside Beautification grant  (for roadside directional signs on Hwy 3/Russworm Dr. to direct visitors to Main Street shopping district, Blaine County Courthouse, the T.B. Ferguson Home and Museum, and the Blaine County Fairgrounds.  We also submitted a grant for Environmental Beautification, to establish an educational program that will include a “learning garden”, healthy lifestyle choices, recycling and composting. 

The OKLAHOMA HOUSE CONCERTS is not only a fundraiser for the Foundation, but also brings free live music concerts to our town, giving age 17+ residents something to do on a Saturday evening or Sunday afternoon and brings people from the Metro area and surrounding small towns to our city.   The  live music series was featured in the November/December issue of the statewide tourism magazine OKLAHOMA TODAY!   The press we received in that magazine (which promoted the Phoenix Circle Foundation, the concert series, the Chaparral Retreat & Guesthouse B&B, and the town of Watonga)  has resulted in many calls from Oklahoma musicians and touring musicians across the U.S. wanting to come to our little corner of Oklahoma to perform!  We have shows scheduled through August at this time.  
As Linda does every year, she worked with young people in the County 4H program on a painting project, which many of them entered in the Blaine County Free Fair and received awards for their work.  There is nothing better than seeing the smile on a young person’s face when they are recognized with an award for their efforts. 

 In addition to the visual arts, we sponsored an afternoon of readings from historical stories about Oklahoma, and a creative writing contest for Blaine County junior and senior high school students. Thanks to the generosity of Pioneer Telephone, Kiwanis Club, and Patt Curtin, we were able to give Amazon gift cards to the students who participated.  Watonga’s Camden Cope won first place ($75.00 gift card) for an excellent essay about Clarence Nash that included much more information than I had ever heard about Nash and his life in additional to being the voice of Donald Duck.  The writing contest was judged by Tulsa author Mark Darrah, who came to Watonga to give a reading from his book “A Catalogue of Common People”, and who donated all monies from the sale of his book that evening to our Foundation.  We plan on creating more reading and writing programs for children of all ages in this next year. 
I am certain I’ve left something out of this summary of our activities in 2018, but I invite you to stay posted month-to-month by checking the facebook page “Phoenix Circle Foundation” throughout the year.  We thank you for your financial and moral support during the past year and look forward to an even more successful year in 2019.

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