The "Matching Funds" fundraising campaign for PHOENIX CIRCLE FOUNDATION is over, but the Arts Education organization is always in need of funds to do the work of our mission statement. We received more donations from people who don't live in Blaine County than from our local residents, parents, and business people. Interesting..... but we're not giving up on the dream of having a place for your children to have the opportunity to experience the arts. In communities like Watonga, where funds are not available for Arts programs, the private sector can work together to take up the slack, and that is what Phoenix Circle Foundation is trying to do.
We are in the process of putting together our programs -- drawing and painting, reading, writing, chalk art -- for December and the coming year. These works of art were done by students of different ages.

Watercolor by Canton student
1. Students who study art are 4 times more likely to be recognized for academic achievement and 3 times more likely to be awarded for school attendance.
2 Arts and music education programs are mandatory in countries that rank consistently among the highest for math and science test scores, like Japan, Hungary, and the Netherlands.
We are in the process of putting together our programs -- drawing and painting, reading, writing, chalk art -- for December and the coming year. These works of art were done by students of different ages.
Watercolor by Canton student
Chalk Art
1. Students who study art are 4 times more likely to be recognized for academic achievement and 3 times more likely to be awarded for school attendance.
2 Arts and music education programs are mandatory in countries that rank consistently among the highest for math and science test scores, like Japan, Hungary, and the Netherlands.
3. Arts and Music programs are constantly in danger of being cut from shrinking school budgets even though they're proven to improve academics. If public school budgets aren't able to provide these important programs, there are private sector organizations that can take up the slack. Show how important arts are in your community by donating to PHOENIX CIRCLE FOUNDATION and contact them for times and dates of arts programs.
4. The No Child Left Behind Act clearly mandates The Arts (music, art, foreign language, etc.) as a core academic subject. If public school budgets aren't able to provide these important programs, there are private sector organizations that can take up the slack. Show how important arts are in your community by donating to PHOENIX CIRCLE FOUNDATION and contact them for times and dates of arts programs.
5. One study group showed that 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students who were taught a foreign language every day in school outperformed the students who were not exposed to a foreign language on their Basic Skills Test. The term "arts" includes Language Arts, which covers reading and writing skills.
6. Researchers find that sustained learning in music and theater correlates strongly with higher achievement in both math and reading.
7. In a study of a high-poverty schools in Chicago, the schools that were participating in the Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education (CAPE) made huge strides in closing the gap between high- and low-income students’ academic achievement.
8. Multiple studies have concluded that curricular and extracurricular art studies and activities help keep high-risk dropout students stay in school.
9. New brain research shows that exposure to music and art improve skills in math and reading, but it promotes creativity, social development, personality adjustment, and self-worth.
10. Research suggests that studying a second language is essential to the learning process, creative inquiry and critical thinking. Foreign language studies have proven to increase problem-solving skills and overall cognitive development.
Phoenix Circle Foundation – an Oklahoma nonprofit
PO Box 427
Watonga, OK 73772
You can also donate through our GOFUNDME campaign AND/OR through the AmazonSmile program.
We really appreciate our supporters who have already used the AmazonSmile program -- we've received our first "distribution" from Amazon this month!!! Every dollar counts, and you can make a huge difference during this holiday shopping season (and throughout the year) by designating Phoenix Circle Foundation as the beneficiary of the AmazonSmile program.
THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! /Linda Barrett, Director, Phoenix Circle Foundation 11/14/2016
4. The No Child Left Behind Act clearly mandates The Arts (music, art, foreign language, etc.) as a core academic subject. If public school budgets aren't able to provide these important programs, there are private sector organizations that can take up the slack. Show how important arts are in your community by donating to PHOENIX CIRCLE FOUNDATION and contact them for times and dates of arts programs.
5. One study group showed that 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students who were taught a foreign language every day in school outperformed the students who were not exposed to a foreign language on their Basic Skills Test. The term "arts" includes Language Arts, which covers reading and writing skills.
6. Researchers find that sustained learning in music and theater correlates strongly with higher achievement in both math and reading.
7. In a study of a high-poverty schools in Chicago, the schools that were participating in the Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education (CAPE) made huge strides in closing the gap between high- and low-income students’ academic achievement.
8. Multiple studies have concluded that curricular and extracurricular art studies and activities help keep high-risk dropout students stay in school.
9. New brain research shows that exposure to music and art improve skills in math and reading, but it promotes creativity, social development, personality adjustment, and self-worth.
10. Research suggests that studying a second language is essential to the learning process, creative inquiry and critical thinking. Foreign language studies have proven to increase problem-solving skills and overall cognitive development.
Phoenix Circle Foundation – an Oklahoma nonprofit
PO Box 427
Watonga, OK 73772
You can also donate through our GOFUNDME campaign AND/OR through the AmazonSmile program.
We really appreciate our supporters who have already used the AmazonSmile program -- we've received our first "distribution" from Amazon this month!!! Every dollar counts, and you can make a huge difference during this holiday shopping season (and throughout the year) by designating Phoenix Circle Foundation as the beneficiary of the AmazonSmile program.
THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! /Linda Barrett, Director, Phoenix Circle Foundation 11/14/2016
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